Helper to generate Itunes podcast XML

Channel info
Make your title specific. A podcast entitled 'Our Community Bulletin' is too vague and will attract no subscribers, no matter how compelling the content." />
ISO 639-1 Alpha-2 list (two-letter language codes, some with possible modifiers, such as 'en-us')."/>
Put the email address of the owner in a nested element."/>
Episode info
Make your title specific. A podcast entitled 'Our Community Bulletin' is too vague and will attract no subscribers, no matter how compelling the content."/>
should have a globally unique identifier (GUID) that never changes. When you add episodes to your feed, GUIDs are compared in case-sensitive fashion to determine which episodes are new. If you omit the GUID for an episode, the episode URL will be used instead."/>
RFC 2822; e.g.:
Wed, 15 Jun 2005 19:00:00 GMT"/>

The tag can be formatted HH:MM:SS, H:MM:SS, MM:SS, or M:SS (H = hours, M = minutes, S = seconds)."/>

" sandbox="allow-forms allow-modals allow-pointer-lock allow-popups allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-top-navigation-by-user-activation allow-downloads allow-presentation" allow="accelerometer; camera; encrypted-media; display-capture; geolocation; gyroscope; microphone; midi; clipboard-read; clipboard-write" allowTransparency="true" allowpaymentrequest="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="result-iframe">